Saturday, 30 June 2012

Changing Plan

I think i will give up my 3D flower bookmark idea and think a new one...

2 compartment for the paper money

Place where u can put ur card
Yeah! Is u. WATER RESISTANT WALLET. Fold Fold Fold, Draw Draw Draw, Paint Paint Paint and Tape Tape Tape. Roughly this is the process.

Sunday, 17 June 2012


Boyfriend, their first mini album "Love Style"

Track List:
01. I’m In Love
02. Love Style(러브스타일)
03. Super Hero
04. 소나기 (One day)
05. 완전한 여인(Wonderful Girl)
06. 쉽게 보지마(Do)
07. Love style Inst.

Having kicked off their Korean comeback preparations yesterday with the release of a floral teaser image, Boyfriend is back with an album jacket photo!
Flower boys

Love style

<3 Boyfriend's Min Woo reveals his chocolate abs <3
Love style 's Teaser

Released through their official Twitter, Boyfriend unveiled a new picture from their album jacket, ‘Love Style‘. Said to have been inspired by the ‘downtown hipster’ fashion of New York, Boyfriend showed a contrasting image to their floral look with a unique look full of individuality.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Childish moment

Last Fri, 4 of us went for a movie at Jusco, Kepong. Snow white and the Huntsman. Pei Xia came with MK to my house but then they lost in my garden. Luckily, they managed to find my condo.

La Cassa-Desa park city, place where we took our dinner. We were super duper hungry at that moment. Pasta? Chicken? Salmon? Salad?

Smile ^^





Pei Xia, Jun Rong and I work on the IMU open day 10 June 2012. IMU paid us RM30 for the salary from 9am to 4.30pm. Pei Xia sure works for S.A, her job is to in charge of touring the campus. Jun Rong and I  worked with 2 senior and 2 pregnant women ( Dr Chin and Dr Lee). No wonder Dr Chin always not feeling well when she was teaching us the topic of surfactant.Congratz to them. We set up the pharmchem booth and organise 3 activities which relate to chemistry.

1. Sinking submarine (DENSITY)
2. Magic bubbles (SURFACE TENSION)
3. Floating bubbles  (DENSITY)

Strawberry Ice Cream

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Collect result

6 June 2012, the day we collect our sem 2 result. Chieh Hwa and I reach IMU at 3 o clock. We saw quite a number of PC student in IMU. I think around 12 people collect on the same day. The best thing is, all of us PASS our Sem 2... Congratulation ^^.

After that, again. 4 of us went to PICK ME UP at Kuchai Lama but it didn't open. Haiz, then we choose the dessert shop nxt to it, HoneyMoon. Yummy.

MK favorite dessert "YAM"

Childish Joe Jen ^^


Happy belated birthday so Su-Xian

Emo girls

Chieh Hwa

Mine (Mango maruko plus pamelo)

Pei Xia (It looks like vry healthy)

Monday, 4 June 2012

心理测验, 你觉得准吗?

                 一男人M要與未婚妻F相會結婚,但兩人一河相隔,M必須要借船過河才能見到F,於是他開始四處找船。 這時見一個女子L剛好有船,M跟L借,L遇到M後愛上了他,就問:我愛上你了,你愛我嗎?M比較誠實,說:對不起,我有未婚妻,我不能愛你。這麼一來,L死活是不把船借給M,她的理由是:我愛你,你不愛我,這不公平,我不會借你的!

                  M很沮喪,繼續找船,剛好見一位叫S的女子,就向她借船,S說:我借給你沒問題,但有個條件,我很喜歡你,你是不是喜歡我無所謂,但你必須留下陪我一晚,不然我不借你。M很為難,L不借他船,S如果再不借他的話就過不去河與F相見了,據說這個地方只有這兩條船。為了彼岸的未婚妻,他不得不同意了S的要求。次日,S遵守承諾把船借給了M。 見到未婚妻F後,M一直心裡有事,考慮了很久,終於決定把向L和S借船的故事跟F說了。可惜,F聽了非常傷心,一氣之下與M分了手,她覺得M不忠,不能原諒。

                M失戀了,很受打擊,這時他的生活裡出現了位女子E,兩人也開始戀愛了,但之前的故事一直讓他耿耿於壞,E問M是不是有什麼話要跟她說,於是,M一五一十地把他和L、S、F之間的故事講了一遍。E聽了後,說,我不會介意的,這些跟我沒關係。 故事講完了,問題來了,請你把這幾個人排列個次序,標準是你認為誰最好,誰第二,誰第三,第四,第五?這個M男也算在內的。不要想太複雜,也不需要考慮大眾看法,你認為誰做得好就是好。 看到這裡請先選擇好你的答案,其實很簡單,就是用你的潛意識告訴你最想要的是什麼。

               不知道自己要什麼,這是很普遍的問題,因為什麼都挺重要的,捨棄什麼都不成體統,只是每個人的人 生追求確實差異很大,看別人追求事業,你也羨慕也很想這樣,但不知道為什麼總做不到;看別人婚姻幸福,你也很想,可實現起來確實不容易,這和運氣也不是太 有關係,而是你需要的決定了很多。

              我說兩個故事吧。這故事中的兩個人是很典型的,都是測過這個遊戲的。一個是我以前樂隊成員,貝斯手,當時他寫下的是:M、F、S、E、L,演出有點演出費就趕緊寄家去,還鬧過這樣的笑話,賺了400塊,他好意思地跟別人借一百,說湊個整。 很多年後,樂隊其他人都各奔東西,他留在了那行裡,不過做了歌舞廳的伴奏,每天跑場很能賺錢,據說也很快結婚,有了小孩,是個很負責的丈夫,音樂就是他賺錢的工具,生活得也不錯。後來我遇到過次他,一肚子不滿,雖然開上了車,但理想早破滅了,沒事業沒愛情,就是富裕的日子。我覺得這就是他的人生軌跡,想追求的還是自己想要的東西。 

           另一個是天津的一位女主持人,我當時跟她沒什麼話聊的,就玩了下這個。 她的選擇是S、M、L、F、E,我告訴她這幾個符號代表什麼的時候,她有點不高興,說不準,她怎麼把S放第一呢?是因為她覺得S比較公平,要比L簡單,F事兒太多,E太冷漠,M不錯但就是太墨跡了。每個人理解問題的方式都不同,剛好這個透露了你的潛意識。很多年後,我在北京遇到了位認識她的人,說起這個女主持來,他說,那誰可惜了,早不干主持了,跟他們單位好多男的亂七八遭,後來被單位開了,嫁了個有錢人。


Saturday, 2 June 2012

PS4 is coming out?!!! OMG

PlayStation 3 is just now hitting its stride. The plans for the PlayStation 4's future release are already being put into motion but even PS 5 and 6 are in early stage of planning. The SONY company is the best. The release date of PS4 is on late 2012. Urggg, can't wait to see it.